Rolling into the 2020s with new resolutions

2019 has come to an end and it's time for the beginning of a new decade. Turning the calendar to 2020 means taking stock of what things I've learned and experienced in 2019 and examining what goals and expectations I have for the new year.

A.K.A. what are my new year's resolutions?

Sticking to and finishing resolutions should be a resolution in and of itself. Many, including myself, often fall off the resolution wagon early in the year, so hopefully my aspirations for achievement don't fall by the wayside.

For 2020, I'm going with two resolutions. Maybe keeping it short and sweet will help me stick to my resolutions longer, maybe even all year.

First, I want to try and create more digital content for my website and YouTube channel. Aside from building my video production and writing skills, I think these mediums are a great way to share my story and experiences as a person with a disability. I feel reinvigorated to produce more content after helping with so many cool projects at work.

Second, I want to be more social. It seems kind of strange with me working in the world of SOCIAL media, but being social in real life versus a computer or phone screen is completely different. Ever since I was a kid, making friends was always difficult. And that was made even more difficult after I became a quadriplegic (Stay tuned for a future vlog on this topic). Maybe 2020 will be the year I have a legitimate social life and even go on my very first date!

Better late than never...

What are your resolutions? Are you even making any? Let me know in the comments.